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Sheave (1 to 6 Ways)

Hoist UK manufacture its own comprehensive range of Sheaves to suit both steel wire ropes and synthetic ropes. Our Sheave range can be manufactured from carbon steel, aluminium or polymer in varying colours to suit your application and we have a range of mounting options available that are manufactured to a high standard, and are all fitted with roller bearings to ensure a smooth and quiet operation.

All Sheaves assembled to order to your individual requirements.

  • Suitable for steel wire ropes and/or synthetic ropes
  • Can be manufactured from carbon steel, aluminium or polymer
  • Range of mounting options available
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Technical Information

The technical specification for our Sheaves (1 to 6 Ways):

  • Designed and manufactured by Hoist UK to a high standard
  • Comprehensive range of sheaves to suite a variety of rope types
  • Manufactured in carbon steel, aluminium or polymer
  • Different mounting options avaialable
  • All sheaves are fitted with roller bearings to ensure a smooth and quiet operation
  • Assembled to order and your specific requirements

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